SEE Laboratory is manufactured to the highest quality and is designed to give you years of use. But racking can get damaged or misaligned, making it a danger to both your staff and your business.

The constant loading and unloading of pallets can compromise the strength, stability and integrity of any storage system which is why they need to be inspected regularly for signs of wear and tear.

Inspections can:
  • Prevent damage to people or goods
  • Extend the life span of facilities
  • Minimize future repair costs by discovering risks early
  • Offer a speedy repair service

The first step to a safe logistics and supply chain distribution should begin from the warehouse and all the employees in the company. The inventories storage are the investments that you put up ahead for your customers to remain confident in your supply chain, it is also a commitment of job security to your employees, therefore, it is imperative to implement a safety inspection for one of your biggest asset – YOUR WAREHOUSE! To ensure the racks and shelving in the warehouses are safe to be in operation all year round, we encourage our customers to work with our racks safety officers to maintain and improve the existing storage systems.

Our services are available as:
  • Design and propose storage to customers
  • Manufacture
  • Delivery
  • Installation
  • Racking inspection service